GNU MPFR library is a library for multiple-precision floating-point computation with exact rounding. It is based on the GNU MP (GMP) library.
Versions available¶
GNU MPFR is included in the embedded third-party library in all GCC builds available in the software repository. See GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
If you want to add MPFR support to the baseline version of GCC, there are environment modules that provide access to the MPFR installation. To list those modules execute on login node:
module available mpfr
Then select the required version and gain access to its installation by executing:
module load mpfr/4/latest-gcc
You need to load the corresponding GNU MP (GMP) module, since GMP installation depends on the installation of GMP. For example:
module load gmp/6/latest-gcc
Build recipe¶
If you are interested in the recipe we followed to compile the programming code of GNU MPFR, you can find it here:
Getting help¶
See Getting help