
UPP is used to post-process operational models such as the Global Forecast System (GFS), GFS Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), North American Mesoscale (NAM), Rapid Refresh (RAP), High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF), and Hurricane WRF (HWRF) applications.

The compilation and use of UPP depends on the presence of NCEPLIBS and CRTM. On Discoverer HPC, the source code of UPP is compiled by using Intel oneAPI classic compilers.

Versions available


The latest version of UPP provides only the executable upp.x. If you are looking for a version of UPP that provides unipost.exe, copygb.exe, and ndate.exe read about how to access the legacy version of UPP.

Loading the latest version of UPP is simple. Add to your Slurm batch script:

module load upp/11/latest-intel

The recipe used for compiling the source code of the latest version of UPP is available here:



The legacy version of UPP provides unipost.exe, copygb.exe, and ndate.exe (it does not provide upp.x, like the latest version does). To load the legacy version, add to your Slurm batch script:

module load upp/4/latest-intel


The folder that contains the parameters, scripts, and the source code can be located by executing:

module load upp/4/latest-intel
find `which ndate.exe` -type f -name "ndate.exe" -print | sort -u | uniq | rev | cut -d "/" -f 3- | rev

The recipe used for compiling the source code of the legacy version of UPP is available here:


Running UPP


Always run the UPP executables within Slurm batch jobs. Do not run them interactively on the login node! Store both raw and processed files under your Personal scratch and storage folder (/discofs/username).

Getting help

See Getting help